You make people pure of mind from them meditating near wind flutes.2.FIX fishing nets to get a BUNCH of food by making cloth 2 batches) and fix. 3. IF U ARE HAVING A HARD TIME FINDING AND KEEPING FOOD then near the puddles when it rains in the sand when u get science 2 their will be a crab. Drag 2 children over to distract it and then bring an adult and if u already cleared moss then u will get 50 food! 4. If u wanna heal tree make someone pure of mind and body ( wash them in soapy pond and have them meditate) then put them in hole in tree, and Ill say purifying the tree. Also, wrap cloth around sick branch and cut it off and then clean it with soap. HOPEFULLY this helped!!!
MaiaSMILE about Virtual Villagers 4, v1.0.1